All About Women’s Equality Day

All About Women’s Equality Day

The United States observes Women's Equality Day on August 26 to mark the adoption of the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution in 1920, which forbids the states and the federal government from denying citizens of the United States the right to vote on the basis of sex. It was originally observed in 1971, declared by Congress in 1973, and declared by the US President each year.


All About Women’s Equality Day

All citizens have the right to vote, which is the foundation of democracy, but this wasn't always the case. Up until recently, the majority of nations would not allow women, who make up 50% of the population, to vote. Early in the 19th century, women started to campaign for the right to vote in order to assert their voice. In the United States, the states decided who was eligible to vote. The 1920 ratification of the 19th Amendment guarantees that all people, regardless of gender, have the right to vote. Women's Equality Day commemorates the accomplishments of women's rights advocates and serves as a reminder of the particular daily hardships that women experience. Women must be educated in order to be free from all forms of oppression, and in order to support their education, they need money that will serve as a foundation for a prosperous future.

Women’s Equality Day


Every year on August 26, Women's Equality Day honours the achievement of women's suffrage in the United States and serves as a reminder of the struggles encountered by the courageous women who overcame violence and discrimination to advance the cause of women. Early in the 19th century, American women organised to demand political rights and representation despite the fact that they typically could not inherit property and earned just half as much as males in whatever employment that were available.

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As the movement spread over the world in the early 1900s, a number of nations, including Finland, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, legalised voting for women. The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was initially proposed in 1878, but it was never widely adopted. Women's suffrage did not finally receive adequate support until their painfully visible contributions to the World War I fight. Women's rights organisations criticised the hypocrisy of defending democracy abroad while denying it to the majority of Americans at home.

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36 states had to ratify the 19th Amendment in order for it to become law because a Constitutional amendment needs the consent of two-thirds of the states. Harry T. Burn, a teenage state representative from Tennessee, cast the crucial vote in the legislature, switching his vote at the last minute after hearing his mother's plea for support of the amendment. The fight for equal rights for women is far from over. The gender wage disparity still affects women's lives today.



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Women's Equality Day is observed to honour and value women and to further the cause of gender equality.  On this day, women gained the ability to vote on an equal footing, opening up numerous opportunities for them to fight for their rights across the board in the socioeconomic system. This was the first step towards achieving respect and equal rights for women in society. To support the accomplishments of women and respect them, several organizations, NGOs, women's welfare societies, libraries, and other institutions run activities and programs. This day celebrates the ongoing struggles of women for equality.


Several Difficulties that Indian Women Face 


Women in India frequently experience discrimination in a variety of settings, including the job and the family. This may limit their ability to take advantage of educational and job possibilities, as well as result in unfair treatment and poorer compensation.

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Lack of access to employment and education: 

Women in India encounter major obstacles to employment and education. For instance, according to data from the World Bank, only around 50% of women in India are employed, compared to almost 80% of men. This is a result of the lack of access to education and training, as well as cultural and societal restrictions that keep women out of the job.

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Gender-based Violence:

In India, gender-based violence is a serious issue. In India, there were approximately 428,278 documented incidences of violence against women in 2021, according to the National Crime Records Bureau. This includes instances of dowry-related violence, physical and sexual assault, and female infanticide. With 31,677 reported rapes against women in 2021 alone, the data are worrying.

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India has a large number of poor women, especially in rural areas. In addition to creating barriers to education and work for women, poverty can also have a negative impact on their health and nutrition.

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Disparities between urban and rural areas: 

In India, rural women frequently confront more obstacles to empowerment. They might be more socially isolated and more susceptible to gender-based violence, for instance, and they might have fewer access to health care and education.

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Observing National Women's Equality Day: Ideas

The day of women's equality can be observed in a variety of ways. Paying homage to the incredible women who have made a significant contribution to the movement is one of the nicest things to do on this day. To learn more about the topic, take the time to conduct some online research. To raise awareness among all of your loved ones, you can share information online with your friends, family, and followers.

Voter registration, if you haven't done so previously, is another way to honour National Women's Equality Day. The finest thing you can do on this date is exercise your right to vote, which is guaranteed by the constitution. Every year, there are local and state elections, therefore you should make sure your registration is up to date. Depending on the state you are in, you can utilise the Vote.Gov website to find out how to register.

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Additionally, you can discover all there is to know about voting. If you have moved since your last vote, you must maintain your voter registration information current. Additionally, you want to take advantage of this to confirm that everyone in your family has registered to vote. You can share information on social media to make sure that everyone is aware of how to vote and is motivated to do so.

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It's a good idea to spend some time researching historical and contemporary female leaders. Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton are good places to start. The first convention for women's rights was put together by these two women. This occurred in the Seneca Falls region of New York in July of 1848. The participants at the convention adopted the Declaration of Sentiments as well as several resolutions, one of which demanded the right to vote for women. We advise finding out more about a number of additional powerful women. This includes the American Woman Suffrage Association's co-founders Lucy Stone and Julia Ward Howe.

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A trip to a women's museum is another fantastic way to celebrate National Women's Equality Day. You might be shocked to learn how many women's museums there are in the world if you do a quick online search. There are numerous museums that are devoted to telling the history of these movements because, after all, women have fought hard to be seen as equals. If you want to find out if your neighbourhood has any museums, you may quickly search online. Some might even be hosting special exhibitions on this day.

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Finally, if you operate your own company, take use of this day to ensure that you can proudly claim that your company has achieved equality on all fronts. Is there a pay difference between the sexes at your company? If so, plan how you can make a change. We understand that raising wages for everyone overnight may not be possible, but you can start creating a plan to ensure that women are treated equally with men at work. This applies to both the financial compensation they receive and the possibilities that are presented to them.

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Wishes, Quotes and Messages

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We must reject our own self-perceived stereotypes in addition to those held by others about us.

"It took me a long time to find my voice, and now that I do, I won't be silent."

"We must teach women the same things as men if they are to perform the same tasks as men."

"When half of us are being held back, we cannot all succeed."

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It takes a certain grace, strength, intelligence, bravery, and the guts to never take "no" for an answer for a woman to rule in a world dominated by men.

Don't restrict women; instead, let them fulfil their goals and desires. Happy Women's Equality Day, everyone in 2023!

Challenge societal norms and dissuade those who still think women are less valuable than males by educating them. Cheers to women's equality!

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The challenges and issues faced by another woman can only be understood by another woman. Let the sisterhood continue to expand and blossom! Greetings on Women's Equality Day 2023!

Instead of two sets of diametrically opposed ideas, it is time for everyone to view gender as a spectrum.

"Women should participate in all areas where choices are made. Women shouldn't be the exception, as they should not be.

Without anyone's approval, women can achieve their goals. Cheers to women's equality!

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