Importace of World Computer literacy Day

Importace of World Computer literacy Day

We commemorate World Computer Literacy Day on December 2nd each year. This day serves as a reminder of the vital role that computers play in contemporary life and the seamless integration of these devices into our everyday routines.


Importace of World Computer literacy Day

December 2nd is always observed as World Computer Literacy Day. The purpose of this day is to promote digital literacy in general and among women and children in particular. Even though the world is moving towards a more digitally connected future, some groups in society still only have very limited or no access to the internet. In addition to honouring computers, Computer Literacy Day is an opportunity to promote computer literacy across the board. There is a digital divide in the globe because those who are digitally literate have an advantage over those who are not. Thus, the purpose of Computer Literacy Day is to raise awareness about the importance of teaching technical skills to members of underrepresented communities.

World Computer literacy day World Computer literacy day, held on 2 December. World Computer literacy Day stock illustrations


To commemorate its 20th anniversary, the global Indian company NIIT launched the first World Computer Literacy Day campaign. When the day was originally celebrated in 2001, research indicating that men constituted the majority of computer-literate individuals was the focus of discussion. The necessity to close the digital divide can be amplified by yearly occasions like Computer Literacy Day. Women, children, and marginalised groups should have access to computers; yet, this can only be accomplished by group efforts.

World Computer Literacy Day Vector Illustration on December 2 with Book and Media Equipment in Education Holiday Cartoon Hand Drawn Templates World Computer Literacy Day Vector Illustration on December 2 with Book and Media Equipment in Education Holiday Cartoon Hand Drawn Templates World Computer literacy Day stock illustrations


People highlight the significance of computers in daily life on Computer Literacy Day. The degree of proficiency a person has in effectively utilising computers is known as computer literacy. These days, computer literacy may include using social media sites, search engines, and common daily applications like Google Suite or Microsoft Office. See the following information for some insights into computer usage in industrialised and emerging nations:

World Computer Literacy Day Vector Illustration on December 2 with Book and Media Equipment in Education Holiday Cartoon Hand Drawn Templates vector art illustration

  • As of June 2018, 55% of people on the planet were online.
  • Only 49% of people utilise the internet, despite 55% of the world's population being in Asia.
  • Of all people on the planet, 4.8% live in North America, and 95% of them use the internet.
  • One of the main causes for the emphasis on computer literacy is this discrepancy.
  • The reason Computer Literacy Day is important is that it promotes the use of digital technologies, especially among women and children. It is noteworthy in addition since reports indicate that computer literacy is not widely available in underdeveloped nations. Therefore, it is imperative that the requirement of computer literacy be communicated.


Important Information  
The main goals of World Computer Day are to raise awareness of computers, how to use them, and the opportunities they offer. These days, computers and other electronic gadgets are a necessary part of our everyday existence. Check out these interesting facts about computers and Computer Literacy Day to honour this day and these formidable devices:

World Computer literacy day

  • Although the first modern computers were not created until 120 years later, Charles Babbage invented all the components used in contemporary computers in 1833.


  • In 1946, the first computer generation was created. This marked a paradigm shift in the application of computers in technology.
    The first keyboard was invented in 1947. It took the place of the previous punch card system.


  • In 1964, Douglas Engelbert created the first mouse out of wood. There is a commonality among Apple, Microsoft, and HP: they all began making computers in garages.


  • "Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computer and Humans Apart" is the full version of the phrase CAPTCHA.