Best Dog Breeds for Kids
Which breeds are ideal for kids as pets? Which dog breeds are ideal for children? Determining which puppy or dog is the right fit for your family can be challenging. The top ten dog breeds for households with children have been compiled by us. While many breeds make excellent family pets, some are more suited to suburban and rural homes than urban ones. Playful and protective, family dogs include Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Beagles, and Irish Setters. French Bulldogs, Brussels Griffons, and Pugs all adore their families, especially their laps. It's crucial that everyone, even the kids, participate in the decision-making process when bringing a dog into the home. Kids aged 5 to 12 can take online one-time dog breed classes from the AKC.

1. Pumi

This playful and energetic puppy will only reach a weight of 20 to 30 pounds. Since they are at heart puppies, they get along well with kids, especially those who are willing to play with them.
2. Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

Try one of these adorable puppies if shedding is truly a concern. These silky-haired terriers grow what is known as a hypoallergenic coat, so they may be a good fit for those who have mild fur allergies, even though no dog produces zero allergens. More significantly, you can watch Wheatens chasing anything that moves during active playtime as they are joyful and loyal companions.
3. Bichon Frise

According to the AKC, Bichons "operate under the assumption that there are no strangers, just friends they haven't met yet," so think twice before putting them in the same category as other small white dog breeds. An additional benefit of their laid-back demeanour is that they shed little, which makes this lively ball of fluff all the more ideal for a home with an active lifestyle.
4. Alaskan Malamute

Alaskan Malamutes will stop at nothing to win over their pack's members, dogs and humans alike. These strong puppies, who were raised as sled dogs, require a leader to establish a regular schedule for training and exercise. (This is your opportunity to learn skijoring.) A devoted, amiable face and a waving feather duster of a tail will be your reward.
5. Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers are another breed that is popular throughout America and are considered the ideal family dog. They need a lot of physical activity because they are quick learners and enjoy running, swimming, fetching, and other forms of active play. They'll provide you with happy companionship in exchange, along with a healthy dose of humour.
6. Pug

Puggles adore eating and sleeping, just like people do. If you're looking for a couch buddy to cuddle up with and watch films with, look no further. You just need to make sure they get plenty of exercise and maintain a regular diet (no table scraps allowed!). This breed enjoys playing even though it doesn't require a large backyard because it weighs only about 15 pounds.
7. Beagle

Sweet? Verify. cordial? Verify. Infinitely charming? Repeatedly check. Beagles are pack animals who cannot survive long days alone; they absolutely thrive on company. Those beseeching words may conceal another possible obstacle: If these little hounds smell something interesting, they have the potential to become bold escape artists.
8. Newfoundland

The Newfoundland, on the other hand, has the astounding ability to weigh between 100 and 150 pounds. In addition to being excellent swimmers, these affectionate animals have gained a reputation as "nanny dogs" because of their attentive and patient disposition. If you have the room, you will be won over by their charming persona.
9. Brussels Griffon

The AKC's smallest dog breed, the Brussels Griffon, isn't as tough as some of the more robust varieties on this list, so it can't withstand as much roughhousing. However, gentle children will be rewarded with a smart, devoted pet that is incredibly personable despite its small size.
10. Irish Setter

Imagine strolling around the neighbourhood in one of these stunning animals. As members of the sporting group, Irish Setters are exceptional athletes who put on a show. It is essential to lead an active lifestyle with an endless supply of tennis balls. This fitness companion is sure to inspire the whole family to start exercising.