UNICEF Day 2024 Quotes
UNICEF Day 2024 is an opportunity for all of us to come together and advocate for the rights and well-being of children everywhere.
By commemorating International Press Freedom Day, journalists and proponents of democracy help to protect the rights to free speech, information access, and media independence, all of which are constantly under threat globally. On this day, we also remember the journalists who lost their lives while doing their jobs.
World Press Freedom Day
The third Monday in May is designated as "International Press Freedom Day." It's a day set aside to honour the crucial work done by journalists. The United Nations observes the basic ideals of press freedom all across the world on this day. By commemorating International Press Freedom Day, journalists and proponents of democracy help to protect the rights to free speech, information access, and media independence, all of which are constantly under threat globally. On this day, we also remember the journalists who lost their lives while doing their jobs. Let's celebrate this day by supporting individuals who wish to learn how to speak out for others and helping them access educational resources.
Journalists are crucial for gathering information, telling the public the truth, and upholding awareness and honesty. Journalists are frequently attacked, and many are killed since they so annoy the wealthy and others who oppose democracy. They made the decision to act after a string of assaults on journalists occurred during the African Civil Wars at the turn of the 20th century.
A group of African journalists made a plea in 1991 during a UNESCO meeting in Windhoek, the capital of Namibia. They came up with the "Windhoek Declaration," which served as the cornerstone for a free, autonomous, and pluralist press. The 26th session of the UNESCO General Assembly established World Press Freedom Day in 1993 in response to the Windhoek Declaration signatories' appeal.
In December 1993, the UN General Assembly declared the first International Press Freedom Day on the advice of the General Conference of UNESCO. Since then, May 3 has been observed as International Press Freedom Day to commemorate the anniversary of the Declaration of Windhoek.
The historical association formed between the right to seek, provide, and receive knowledge and the public good has lasted 30 years and is still just as true today. There will be special celebrations of the 30th anniversary at the World Press Freedom Day International Conference.
Goals of the Day
The main idea put up by UNESCO for the day is freedom of the press and of speech since only through communication-based on mutual understanding can lasting peace be established in modern communities. The commemoration serves as a reminder that several nations still censor, penalize, suspend, and shut down publications that offend wealthy residents. Numerous people harass, assault, and even kill journalists. The subject for World Press Freedom Day in 2022 is "Journalism Under Digital Assault," as it does each year.
The third of May serves as a reminder to governments to uphold their commitment to press freedom. Media professionals often use this day to focus on topics related to press freedom and ethical behavior in the workplace. There is a chance to:
Celebrate the foundational tenets of press freedom, evaluate its condition globally, protect the media against assaults on their independence, and remember journalists who have died in the line of duty.
30 Years of International Press Freedom Day
In 2023, UNESCO will host a special anniversary celebration at the UN's New York headquarters to commemorate 30 years after the UN General Assembly decided to declare a global day for press freedom. On May 3, the UN Headquarters will host a full day of events in honour of International Press Freedom Day's anniversary. Events focusing on the subject of this year are welcomed to be planned in New York and all around the world by partners in the media, academia, and civil society.
UNICEF Day 2024 is an opportunity for all of us to come together and advocate for the rights and well-being of children everywhere.
Every year on December 10th, it is celebrated. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was approved by the UN General Assembly on this day. Get motivational sayings updates to share by reading this article.
International Anti-Corruption Day is celebrated annually on December 9th, bringing people from all around the world together. This significant day encourages a group effort to counteract corruption's pernicious influence and serves as a reminder of the terrible toll that corruption has on society all around the world.