Top 10 April Fools Pranks

Top 10 April Fools Pranks

April Fools' Day is a great time to spend laughing, jokes, and a little bit of dishonesty with your family. There are many well-meaning practical jokes that will make the whole family laugh, regardless of your level of skill as a trickster or your level of familiarity with April Fool's Day festivities.

April Fool's Day Funny Images

Yes, we are referring to April Fools' Day, which is the one day of the year when it is acceptable, if not positively encouraged, to twist the truth and replace toothpaste with cookie fillings. Whatever your April 1st plans are this year, you might need a few April Fools' jokes to go along with any practical jokes you're thinking of pulling.

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Why Do We Celebrate April Fools' Day

April 1st is pranksters' delight: you can make countless practical jokes like freezing cereal in a bowl, putting food colouring in milk, or taping over a computer mouse sensor. Perhaps the oldest joke ever is that nobody knows why we celebrate April Fools' Day anymore, which makes it even funnier than April Fools' Day pranks.

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