Valentine's Day Sayings

Valentine's Day Sayings

Do you enjoy funny Valentine's Day quotes and puns as much as I do? You can use my collection of more than 50 of my favorite funny Valentine's Day puns and sayings to create Valentines with your children or for the classroom.

Simply put one of these sayings on a gift tag and attach it to the suggested present to create a quick and simple Valentine's Day card. You may easily make a DIY Valentine for your child's friends by combining one of these sweet sayings with a tiny piece of candy, snack, or toy.

1. I'm in awe of you. Incorporate a Blow Pop.

2. I consider you to be a special buddy. Pair with Teddy Grahams or a small bag of gummy bears.

3. You're a smart cookie! This card should be affixed to a roll of Smarties candy.

4. You deserve to be a celebrity! With a few Starburst candies, this would look wonderful. The treat bags made of biodegradable paper are a fantastic way to wrap little things.

5. You're exonerated! With a little package of gummy worms, pair this proverb.

6. You are a melon in one! With watermelon candies, such as Sour Patch Watermelons, this would be adorable.

7. I adore you so much! Add a bag of Reese's Pieces candy to the mix.

8. I adore you, berry! This adage goes well with fresh berries or fruit snacks that have berry flavours.

9. What a wonderful buddy you are! Make a fun Valentine by adding this statement on a Ring Pop.

10. It's a good time to be. This adage would go well with a tiny carton of Junior Mints or any mint-flavored sweet.

11. Valentine's Day, I "chew" on you. Pair this with a pack of gum or a small bag of gumballs.

12. XOXO would look sweet next to a tiny bag of Hershey's Kisses.
