No Smoking Day - Health Awareness Day

No Smoking Day - Health Awareness Day

No Smoking Day is a day to promote healthy smoking habits! We want to make sure everyone knows how important it is to stay healthy and quit smoking.

No Smoking Day 2023

Every year on the second Wednesday in March, No Smoking Day is commemorated to promote quitting smoking among individuals all over the world. Although March 13 is No Smoking Day 2019, you can stop smoking at any time of the year. The major goal of this day is to raise public awareness of the negative consequences of tobacco use on one's health, including through cigarettes and other products. The key message is to support smokers in breaking their harmful habits.

Theme of No Smoking Day

Every year, a theme in the form of a brief phrase is used to advertise the campaign. Themes from prior years include "Break free," which implores smokers to release themselves from the grip of tobacco and quit on No Smoking Day, and "Time to quit?" Following the 2009 campaign, GfK NOP performed research and discovered that 1 in 10 smokers gave up on No Smoking Day.

History of No Smoking Day

 No Smoking Day awareness movement was initially launched in the United Kingdom on Ash Wednesday in 1984. Since then, it has become an annual celebratory event that aims to protect people from the negative consequences of smoking. The goal of this day's commemoration is to assist people in permanently quitting smoking. The researchers claim that this endeavor has been quite successful because at least one person out of every 10 has been seen quitting smoking on this day.

Campaign of No Smoking Day

Before it joined with the British Heart Foundation in 2011, the campaign was administered by a charity of the same name with four full-time employees that were situated in London. A group of governmental and nonprofit organizations having a stake in health provides the funding. Duncan Bannatyne OBE, a businessman, TV personality, and anti-tobacco activist served as No Smoking Day's most recent president. Bannatyne, a former smoker, publicly criticized British American Tobacco at their annual general meeting in April 2008.

Smoking Statistics

Every year, smoking claims the lives of 1 million people in India. According to the WHO, around 70% of adult males in India smoke. Females are less likely to have the percentage (13–15%). 25% of Indians don't know that smoking and heart disease are related.

Worldwide, health issues related to tobacco smoking claim the lives of about half of those who smoke continuously. Every year, 6 million people worldwide die from tobacco smoke. The sad fact is that nonsmokers made up over 600,000 of those who died. Their demise was brought on by passive smoking. Each cigarette you smoke costs you 11 minutes of your life, according to statistics. Smoking is to blame for 25% of all cardiovascular fatalities and 75% of deaths from lung illnesses.

What health effects does smoking have?

The majority of us are aware that smoking ruins your lungs and seriously harms your heart.

Cancer, emphysema, cardiovascular conditions, and pneumonia can all be brought on by tobacco particles. Is that the only effect of smoking? No! Here are a few other smoking-related health risks you may not be aware of.

Governmental Programs

The Indian government has passed a number of laws and extensive tobacco control regulations. In 1975, it passed the Regulation of Production, Supply, and Distribution for Cigarettes Act. On all cigarette packaging, cartons, and adverts, the legal disclaimer "cigarette smoking is harmful to health" was required to be visible.

The "Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce Production, Supply and Distribution) Act" was passed in India in 2003, adapting the WHO Framework Convention of Tobacco Control (FCTC).

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India, introduced the National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP) in 2007–2008 to increase public knowledge of the negative effects of tobacco use and the Tobacco Control Laws, as well as to assist their efficient implementation. (COTPA 2003)


In accordance with the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Packaging and Labelling) Second Amendment Rules of 2018, tobacco product packets must bear the language "TOBACCO CAUSES CANCER," two images of health warnings, and the message "QUIT TODAY CALL 1800-11-2356."