The Maha Shivratri festival will be observed on February 18, 2023, a Saturday. Shivratri often referred to as Maha Shivratri, is a Hindu festival that is observed once a year in remembrance of Lord Shiva, one of Hinduism's primary deities. In order to observe the holiday, one must fast, pray, and show devotion to Lord Shiva. Shivratri fasting is seen to be exceedingly lucky. It is thought to bring
Maha Shivratri History
Maha Shivratri is seen to be the most fortunate of the 12 Shivratris that are held each year. Shiva and Shakti, the masculine and feminine powers that keep the world in balance, are said to have come together on the night of Shivratri. This solemn event in Hindu tradition commemorates "overcoming darkness and ignorance in life." The significance of Maha Shivratri has been described in various historical stories, one of which states that it is on this night that Lord Shiva performs his cosmic dance of "creation, preservation, and destruction." According to a different tradition, making offerings of Lord Shiva's idols on this night will aid someone in overcoming their sins, letting go of them, and beginning the road of righteousness. This will enable them to climb Mount Kailash and obtain "moksha," according to the mythology.
Maha Shivratri Pooja Timing
The Maha Shivratri festival will take place on February 18, 2023. From February 18 at 20:02 through February 19 at 16:18, the Chaturdashi Tithi will be in effect. whereas the First Ratri Prahar Puja will be held on February 18 beginning at 18:13 and lasting until 21:24.
Significance of Maha Shivratri
In several Shiva temples around the world, followers and devotees observe special pujas and observe fasts. They donate milk to the Shiva statue while requesting moksha. Numerous followers of Lord Shiva spend the entire night in prayer and mantra chanting. Women ask for a decent husband and a happy marriage in their prayers. On this day, fairs and cultural events are planned at several temples. Additionally, it is said that those who fast, pray, and perform puja for Lord Shiva will be fortunate in their endeavors.
Why We Celebrate Mahashivratri?
Lord Shiva wed Goddess Parvati on this day. After Sati passed away, Shiva is reported to have fallen into a deep meditation. To become the wife of Lord Shiva, Sati took on the form of Parvati. Therefore, on the fourteenth day of the dark fortnight in the month of Phalguna, Mahashivratri commemorates the union of Shiva and Parvati.
Rituals During Mahashivratri
Some of the customary practices of Maha Shivratri include fasting, staying up all night, praying to Lord Shiva, making offerings to him, and reciting mantras that are dedicated to him. Additionally, people go to Shiva temples to pray and participate in unique puja rituals.
Wishes/Messages of Maha Shivratri
"Lokaha Samasthah Sukhino Bhavanto" – Oh Lord of Lords, give prosperity and peace to all people. illuminating the road of righteousness for each and every human being in the universe. Cheers to Mahashivratri!
Lord Shiva's auspicious day is today. Celebrate it with delight in your heart and work to educate others about Lord Shiva's principles. Greetings on Maha Shivratri.
Shivji, For everyone in this world, I pray to you. Please send out tonnes of smiles, happiness, and peace to everyone. This is my daily supplication. OMG, Shivay!
May all of your dreams come true, and may God's blessings be with you always. Cheers to Maha Shivratri!
Your life will change for the better starting this morning. Embrace the day wholeheartedly. I wish you a happy Maha Shivratri!
May Lord Shiva's love and blessings always be with you and your loved ones. You have my best wishes for Maha Shivratri.
Blessings of Mahashivratri to you and your family. I pray that the all-powerful Lord Shiva may grant you all happiness and good health.
A very Happy Mahashivratri to all of you. I pray that everyone would get the blessings of Lord Shiva and Mata Parvati. May everyone's celebration of this holiday have a cause.
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