National Science Day

National Science Day

National Science Day is an annual celebration of science and technology in the United States. The day educates people about the important contributions science and technology make to our society and economy.

India celebrates National Science Day on February 28 each year to remember C.V. Raman, an Indian physicist who won the Nobel Prize for discovering the Raman Effect. On the National Council for Science and Technology Communication's (NCSTC) recommendation, the Government of India declared February 28th to be National Science Day in 1986.

Why National Science Day is celebrated?

National Science Day is observed to raise awareness of the value of science in people's daily lives. to showcase all actions, endeavors, and successes made in the field of science for the well-being of humans. It is a joy to discuss every topic and put new technology into practice for the advancement of science. to provide a chance for India's scientifically inclined populace. To inspire people and spread awareness of science and technology.


What is the theme of National Science Day 2022?

"Integrated Approach in Science and Technology for a Sustainable Future" served as the topic for Science Day 2022. In this theme, the necessity of maintaining a sustainable future as a goal while exploring the realm of science and technology is emphasized. The National Science Day theme varies every year.


To commemorate physicist C.V. Raman's discovery of the Raman Effect on this day in 1928

The theme for National Science Day in 2022

An Integrated Science and Technology Approach to a Sustainable Future

When was the first National Science Day?

The National Council for Science, Technology, and Communications (NCSTC) requested in 1986 that national science day be observed on February 28. This honors Sir C.V. Raman's accomplishments as well as those of other scientists by recognizing their contributions to science.

The National Science Promotion Award, which honors people for their achievements in science and communication, was introduced by the NCSTC following the first National Science Day on February 28, 1987.

When was the first national science day celebrated?

The first National Science Day was celebrated on February 28, 1987. The then-Indian government agreed to the National Council for Science and Technology Communication's (NCSTC) request to designate February 28 as National Science Day in 1986, and the day was thereafter proclaimed as National Science Day. On February 28, 1987, the first National Science Day was observed.

Which day is known as World Science Day?

In 1986, the Central Government was asked by the National Council for Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC) to declare February 28th as National Science Day (NSD). It was done with the intention of honoring not only Sir C.V. Raman's accomplishments but also those of other scientists for their contributions to science.

Following ratification, National Science Day is observed in schools, colleges, universities, and other establishments throughout India. The National Science Popularization Awards were established to honor people for their contributions to the fields of science and communication after the first NSD on February 28, 1987, according to an announcement made by the National Council for Science and Technology Communication.

When is National Science Day celebrated in India?


You may be aware that India observes the 28th of February as National Science Day, but do you know why and for what purposes? You must also be familiar with renowned Indian scientist Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman, I'm sure. On this date in 1928, he made a discovery involving the scattering of photons that would later come to be known as the "Raman Effect" in his honor. After two years, in 1930, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for this outstanding discovery; this was India's first Nobel in the realm of science. Every year on this day, India observes National Science Day to commemorate the discovery of this well-known phenomenon.

The Theme of National Science Day

"Chemistry in Daily Life" was the theme for 2011.

Clean Energy Options and Nuclear Safety was the 2012 year's theme.

"Genetically Modified Crops and Food Security" was the theme for 2013.

2014 was marked with the subject "Fostering Scientific Temper."

The year 2015 had the subject "Science for Nation Building."

2016's topic was "Scientific Issues for the Development of the Nation."

"Science and Technology for Specially Abled Persons" was the year's theme in 2017.

Science and technology for a sustainable future served as the year's theme for 2018.

"Science for the People, and the People for Science" served as the year's theme in 2019.

The year 2020 has the topic "Women in Science."

Future of STI: Impact on Education, Skills, and Work was the theme for 2021.

'Integrated Approach in S&T for Sustainable Future' is the subject for NSD in 2022.

"Global Science for Global Wellbeing" will be the topic of National Science Day, which will be observed on February 28, 2023.

National Science Day celebration in School

National Science Day was observed in schools on February 28, 2018, with the same excitement as in previous years.
Vaishnavi Dangale, a student in grade IX C, gave a statement about the importance of the day during a brief program that was held in the morning. Science instructor Pranita P. Pawar provided information on the Inspire Award. Punyarth Jhanwar (Std IX A), who received the Inspire Award for the 2017–18 academic year, introduced the project. Gold Medal winners of the National Science Olympiad Exam were honored on this occasion by the school's principal, Madam Mrudula Mahajan. Rupa Bhatnagar failed to teach students about Dr. Homi Bhabha Balvaigyanik Spardha, and Principal Madam Mrudula Mahajan provided helpful advice.
She commended the kids who received scholarships for creating models in her speech. She underlined the need for pupils to cultivate a scientific mindset. The program was concluded with a vote of thanks from sixth-grade student Siya Bhutada.
The school has prepared several class-based activities to commemorate science day.

National Science Day 2023

The purpose of National Science Day is to raise awareness of the role that Indian scientist C.V. Raman played in the discovery of the Raman Effect on February 28, 1928. This phenomenon is the exchange of energy and change in the direction of light caused by the inelastic scattering of photons by materials. For this important discovery, Raman was awarded the 1930 Noble Prize in Physics.

Science Day recognizes both the bright discoverer and this discovery. As a result, the day is extensively observed in India, and numerous educational institutions take part in the festivities.

National Science Day Theme 2023

According to the Minister, as India moves into 2023, the subject highlights India's expanding global influence and rising stature in the international community.

The theme of "Global Science for Global Wellbeing" is perfectly timed with India taking over as G-20 President, where she will represent the developing nations of Asia, Africa, and South America as the voice of the Global South: Jitendra Singh, M.D.

It ushers in a new era in which possibilities are offered for individuals and the scientific community both domestically and overseas to interact, collaborate, and enjoy the joy of science for the benefit of humanity.